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A fairytale world where beauty rules

Visiting the 15th-century village of Boussac in the middle of France is life-changing

IT ALL seems so effortless – starched snowy-white handembroidered monogrammed bed linen; soft pillows encased in pillow slips decorated with lovingly stitched, drawn thread work; swathes of silk, damask and heavy satin framing tall light windows; a centuries-old oak staircase that winds its way up three storeys; fragments of original brocaded wallpaper; ancient armoires, chairs, tables; handwoven carpets faded with the passing of time and the tread of thousands of feet.

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Kate Turkington is one of South Africa’s best-known broadcasters, travellers and travel writers. From Tibet to Thailand, Patagonia to Peru, Kashmir to Kathmandu, St Helena to St Albans, the Arctic Circle to Antarctica, like Shakespeare’s Puck she has girdled the world. She continues to travel when and where she can but Johannesburg is home where she writes and blogs in print and on social media.

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