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Zululand magic in July 2013

The Nelson Mandela Capture Site

Well worth a memorable visit

The last time I was here, some years ago now, it was just an insignificant, dusty little plaque beside the road. If you’d blinked, you would have missed it.

Today, a powerful and poignant memorial marks the site where Nelson Mandela was arrested by armed apartheid police on August 5, 1962, after being on the run for 17 months, and so began his long walk into 27 years of captivity.
Find the blog I wrote for SA Tourism 'The Nelson Mandela Capture Site' at www.southafrica.net


The following weekend I was back in northern KwaZulu-Natal, staying on a houseboat on the beautiful Jozini Dam.

Shayamanzi 2, one of only two houseboats that operates on the 25km by 5km wide Jozini Dam


Read my blog "Houseboat on the Jozini Dam' on http://www.southafrica.net/blog

A curious hippo checks us out. Photo by Larry Bentley

End of a perfect day


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Kate Turkington is one of South Africa’s best-known broadcasters, travellers and travel writers. From Tibet to Thailand, Patagonia to Peru, Kashmir to Kathmandu, St Helena to St Albans, the Arctic Circle to Antarctica, like Shakespeare’s Puck she has girdled the world. She continues to travel when and where she can but Johannesburg is home where she writes and blogs in print and on social media.

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